9.12.2021 - 4.2 2022
František Matoušek
Francis de Nim
Jeans store
František Matoušek (b. 1967) is one of those leading Czech artists clearly identified by their unique technique that has, to a great extent, gradually turned into a symbol of their art work. In his case, it is a combined work with denim. On the one hand, it consists of a painting defined by the meticulous pulling-out of white threads from the textile grid, and on the other hand through picturesque interventions that together assemble the final composition. Matoušek has thus loosely picked up on the modernistic trend of liberated individualism, introduced into the arts by postimpressionism then further developed mainly by Paris School artists and later by the avant-garde movement.
For all that, Matoušek remains principally a realist. Authenticity in the sense of meaning is for him a core quality. In his choice of formal technology he is not so interested in pursuing a strategy of differentiation, but rather uses form and expression for conveying a message about himself and some of the values he relates to, or those that have formed his reality. Almost all Matouška’s paintings are linked to his private life, priorities, and sympathies, while he certainly also embraces irony and criticism, though these two pathways are not typical of him. Personal mythology is thus one of the cornerstones of his artwork. In this light, one can and should read his works as autobiographical.
2012 ripped denim, acrylic, 175x200 cm
2019-2020, ripped denim, acrylic, 105x80 cm
2020, ripped denim, acrylic, 110x75cm
I on New York
2019, ripped denim, acrylic, 38x50 cm
Italy (Venice)
2016, ripped denim, acrylic, 14x36 cm
Girl with dog
2011, ripped denim, acrylic, 175x300 cm
2011, ripped denim, acrylic, 175x195 cm
2019, ripped denim, acrylic, 18x20 cm
Boy with dog
2011, ripped denim, acrylic, 160x180 cm
I want to live in a house with a sea view
2018, ripped denim, acrylic, 45x23 cm
2018, ripped denim, acrylic, 22x60 cm
2016, ripped denim, acrylic, 30x63 cm
2018, ripped denim, acrylic, 32x79 cm
2021, ripped denim, acrylic, 100x160 cm
2021, ripped denim, acrylic, 100x160 cm
2021, ripped denim, acrylic, 30x40 cm
2020, ripped denim, acrylic, 50x85 cm
2020, ripped denim, acrylic, 18x32 cm
2020, ripped denim, acrylic, 40x55 cm